[Cialug] Mac/Arm

Jeffrey Ollie jeff at ocjtech.us
Sun Jul 12 19:35:33 UTC 2020

On Sun, Jul 12, 2020 at 1:29 PM Dave Hala <dave at 58ghz.net> wrote:

> I was thinking about that too. It looks like there is an Arm  version of
> RHEL 8 in the works, but I'm wondering what kind of can of worms that will
> be. I'm wondering will the entire LAMP stack and all the weird little apps
> I use still run on ARM?   Then we are back to breaking the old thing of
> "Dev Environment Should Match the Production environment" rule.

CentOS offers an ARM64 version. As long as you have the source, I believe
that an application that runs on x86_64 that doesn't run on ARM64 would be
extremely rare. They exist but primarily because they were written to take
advantage of specific x86_64 features like vector processing instructions,
or are running into some other hardware quirk.

> I guess the answer would be to switch production to ARM... but Honestly, I
> would rather tolerate windows than do that.

There are some really cool ARM64 server platforms out there but I doubt
that it would be cost effective to switch, especially if you're running in
the cloud.

Jeff Ollie
The majestik møøse is one of the mäni interesting furry animals in Sweden.

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