[Cialug] Last night's meeting / next month's meeting

Matthew Nuzum matthew.nuzum at canonical.com
Thu Jun 21 11:03:47 CDT 2007

On 6/21/07, Josh More <morej at alliancetechnologies.net> wrote:
> I also wanted to bring your attention to the topic for next month's
> meeting, which is 'Social Media on "teh Internets"'.  We will need
> people willing to talk about social sites.  I have a general overview
> worked up, that I can give, but I'd not talk the whole time, so please
> start thinking about what you either want to say or want to hear.

On this topic, I recently learned that facebook has a programming API.
It's available at http://developers.facebook.com/ Would be interesting
to see what people can do with it.

Slightly less related, AOL instant messenger, probably one of the most
famous and ubiquitous of the 'social media on "teh Internets,"' has
recently announced that every AIM user now can use "OpenAuth" which is
an OpenID based authorization system. <http://dev.aol.com/node/494>

OpenID is a distributed, decentralized authentication system (think MS
Passport, but decentralized, so nobody controls it)

I've only learned about this yesterday right before the meeting and
haven't had time to research it, but my thoughts are:
 * This gives openid a big boost
 * This could enable some cool social webapps... just authenticate
using your AIM screen name.

Matthew Nuzum
newz2000 on freenode

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