[Cialug] Installing Xubuntu

Adk adk at 52761.com
Mon Apr 2 15:49:37 CDT 2007

"older machine" what does that mean? How about some specs? 192 M ram is min.

invent the car instead of giving the same horse better hay

--------- Original Message --------
From: Central Iowa Linux Users Group <cialug at cialug.org>
To: Central Iowa Linux Users Group <cialug at cialug.org>
Subject: Re: [Cialug] Installing Xubuntu
Date: 02/04/07 15:53

> There is an option on a menu after installation. But I don't see how to 
> get to it from the regular text install. It wants to install Grub 
> automatically. I didn't see an option to force lilo instead.
> Stuart
> On Apr 2, 2007, at 14:42, David Champion wrote:
> &gt; Is there an option to use good old reliable lilo instead of grub?
> &gt;
> &gt; -dc
> &gt;
> &gt; Stuart Thiessen wrote:
> &gt;&gt; I was installing Xubuntu 6.10 on an older machine that has a 20G
> &gt;&gt; drive and 1 CD-RW and 1 CD-ROM drive. When I installed it the
first 2 
> &gt;&gt; times from the CD (using the text mode install), I told it to use
> &gt;&gt; whole drive and automatically partition it. Then when I rebooted
> &gt;&gt; the hard drive it gave me a Grub error 18 which from what I 
> &gt;&gt; understand basically means that my booting partition was too big
> &gt;&gt; the BIOS??
> &gt;&gt; So try #3 (third time is supposed to be the charm, right?), I 
> &gt;&gt; manually set up the partitions and set up a 4GB boot partition,
> &gt;&gt; then left the rest to / and swap. I rebooted from the hard drive,
> &gt;&gt; now I have a Grub error 17 which I am now researching.
> &gt;&gt; Any suggestions?
> &gt;&gt; Thanks,
> &gt;&gt; Stuart
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