[Cialug] xRDP

L. V. Lammert lvl at omnitec.net
Sat Mar 13 20:38:40 UTC 2021

Need GUI access to a [new] SuSE VM in Azure, .. and I *thought* that xRDP
would be a simple way for Windoze clients to connect, ..

So far:

1) Yast: install pattern gnome
2) zypper in xrdp
3) Create cert & key per /etc/xrdp.ini
4) Yast: "Network Services" enable "Remote Administration with VNC"
5) In /etc/sysconfig/windowmanager set DEFAULT_WM="" to DEFAULT_WM="gnome"
6) enable xrdp, start xrdp

At this point I can connect, but no login - just immediate reconnect
(shows 0/20 and restarts), which makes it pretty hard to spot anything in
the logs.

The SuSE documentation doesn't include #3, #4, or $5, .. has anyone
gotten it working?



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