[Cialug] facebook

Kyle H khamil8686 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 16:11:05 UTC 2020

Facebook contacted me one or two weeks ago about working at their
datacenter that I live a couple miles from. I went back to college in 2011
after my traumatic brain injury in 07. I ended up earning a 4.0gpa, Honors,
certifications, etc by 2014. Went into the workforce and found i couldn't
keep up with things when I didn't tell anyone I had a tbi and my good work
comes with a little extra time, as shown in my school work, but it's worth
it. Eventually I ended up drifting between a couple jobs because when I
would finally tell people I had a tbi everything would go south from there.
The workforce, especially IT is very discriminatory...
So, I'm back on disability now. I responded to the FB email honestally,
saying I had a tbi but went to college post tbi and did super well. I would
need some basic accommodations and asked if they wanted to talk further. I
didn't have anything to lose if they didn't respond to me, if they did then
that would be cool to work at Facebook with a relaxed environment.

...haven't heard from them since then. The work world is filed with
discrimination so the Republicans saying that people on benefits don't want
to work... We can't because of the damn work environment you fostered. It
really pisses me off.

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