[Cialug] Hello and can I get some recommendations

William Christensen wirewc at gmail.com
Tue Apr 12 23:31:30 CDT 2011

Coming from someone who knows Java, C/C++, Python I would start with  
Python personally. It has C like syntax and it made learning Java a  
piece of cake (hint, Joshes points 1 and 2). C would be a second  
priority because it just takes what you learned from Python and allows  
you to work at lower levels. Additionally, if you want it isn't hard  
to write a C program that can be called by Python, so depending on how  
you look at it you can just keep extending Python. Either way,  
whatever language you learn it doesn't matter, but what does matter is  
you hopping onto IRC and joining us in the #cialug channel. There is  
plenty of experience in the channel which will help you immensely.


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