[Cialug] Apache default VH configuration

L. V. Lammert lvl at omnitec.net
Fri Apr 30 11:02:36 CDT 2010

Setting up a new server with all name VH sites, .. using the following
config for the default to return an error if a VH name is not detected:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    CustomLog /var/www/logs/attack.log combined
    ErrorLog /var/www/logs/error.log
    LogLevel emerg

    ErrorDocument 403 "Site does not exist on this server!"
    <Location />
        Order allow,deny
        Deny from all

For some reason, *one* of the VHs seems to 'override' the default,
returning that site on a query to the base IP address. Other VHs operate
properly, and do not affect the default error message. The only difference
between the VH files is the path names, .. and the order of VH load does
not seem to affect the problem.

Is anyone using a similar config or seen a problem such as this?



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