OT - Wireless phone providers - WAS: [Cialug]ssh for cell phones

Nathan Stien nathanism at gmail.com
Thu Nov 15 09:37:49 CST 2007

On Nov 15, 2007 9:20 AM, Dave J. Hala Jr. <dave at 58ghz.net> wrote:
> If you could ssh into your phone, you could turn it into a covert spy
> cam.  It would be almost as good as being invisible...

And you could do a lot of other things besides.  scp files in/out,
sync contacts, etc.  Possibly find the phone if it gets stolen.  And
don't forget apt-get dist-upgrade.

It would also be nice to have little gui apps running on the phone
that run ssh underneath to contact my machines out in the world to
manipulate things.  Set up a mythtv recording, monitor machine status,

- Nathan

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