[Cialug] Atheros MADwifi

Chris Hilton chris129 at cs.iastate.edu
Fri Aug 4 13:06:19 CDT 2006

I'm "new" to wireless as all I've really used to this point has been Intel 
wireless and an old prism card.  However, I'm looking for a pci device and it 
doesn't seem that Intel makes pci wifi adaptors. 

I've found an SMC card which is supposed to be fully, mostly, compatible with 
Atheros/MADwifi.  Does anyone have experience with MADwifi, does it suck?  I 
don't want to end up with a driver that works, but corrupts kernel memory 
space every 2 hours.

The computer may or may not end up with Linux on it.  But I'm using Linux 
compatibility as a way to check for some kind of manufacturer quality/care 
and I'm probably going to dual boot it eventually.  But a Linux box with no 
network is useless to me :).


"The only winning move is not to play."

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