[Cialug] Google Rankings

Dave Crouse cialug@cialug.org
Fri, 14 Jan 2005 22:21:45 -0600 (CST)

>From many websites:

If you don't want Microsoft products to automatically generate smart tags
on your web pages, then simply include this tag. It must be included on
each page of your site for which you do not desire this feature. "

Real Life Internet Evil: Microsoft's Smart Tags

"As soon as Smart Tags appeared in a beta release of Windows XP, the furor
began. It was awesome to see. Microsoft was hit from all sides by just
about everyone, because their intentions were so transparent and so
blatantly monopolistic that even the most conservative could see what they
were up to. The dangers caused a flood of protests to be received by the
giant company, so many that Microsoft was forced to remove the feature
from their products.

"As a result of smart tags in beta versions of Windows XP and IE, we
received lots of feedback, and have realized that there is a need to
better balance the user experience with the legitimate concerns of content
providers and web sites," Microsoft said in a statement on June 28th,

Keep an eye on Microsoft, however, because they also added, "Microsoft
remains committed to this type of technology, and will work closely with
content providers and partners in the industry in the coming months to
further refine how it can be used."


So, "supposedly", M$ has abandoned this line of invasion into your work
for now, but I'll keep my tags in place just the same. Besides, it's kind
of like thumbing your nose at M$ ;)

Basically it was M$'s attempt to control more of the end users browsing
because they have a monopoly on the browser market (for all intensive
purposes anyway). They finally relented under pressure, and thats where

<meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="true" />

tags came into play. Webmasters the world over started adding these tags
to their webpages to keep M$ from hijacking their visitors away from their
websites with the so called "smart tags".

Just one more reason to hate the monopolistic company imho.


On Fri, January 14, 2005 8:26 pm, Morris Dovey said:
> Dave Crouse wrote:
>> That said, I use my meta-tags help for the "other" search engines, plus
>> I
>> just plain like adding the no-parse tag for M$.  :)  Probably isnt' even
>>  needed, but I put it on every page :)
>> <meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="true" />
> Hmmm. Interesting! Tell me about the no-parse tag, please...
> --
> Morris Dovey
> West Des Moines, Iowa USA
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